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Local Plan Consultations


Issues & Options and Call for Sites Consultation under the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (Regulation 18) (Now Closed)

East Lindsey District Council is undertaking a partial review of the East Lindsey Local Plan 2018 in line with policy SP29 of the Plan. The East Lindsey Local Plan will set out the policies against which planning applications are considered and identify land for development.

The Issues and Options Paper sets out certain issues which are being considered in the partial review and suggests potential options in relation to these. 

The Council also undertook a call for land. Those with an interest in developing land within East Lindsey were asked to submit sites to the Council for consideration. Sites were being sought for both housing and employment land.

Both the Issues and Options Paper consultation and the Call for Land consultations ran for an 8 week period between the 15th February 2021 and the 12th April 2021, both consultations are now closed.

It has was drawn to our attention that the previously published Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment did not include an appraisal of Option D4. The documents below contain all of the options.

Revised East Lindsey Local Plan Review Sustainability Appraisal (PDF) [493KB] (opens new window)

Revised Issues and Options Local Plan Review HRA Screening (PDF) [480KB] (opens new window)